bunka addict

culture - pop and otherwise - through the eyes of a bunka addict

29 October 2006

DBH: 29 October 2006

Paganism in prison

This is a link to an article about the UK prison system's attempt at religious freedom in prison. In my opinion, the plan has a long way to go. I mean, Muslims are entitled to 26 days off work, but Pagans get a whopping 2 days off out of the 8 recognized holidays!! In what screwed up way does that seem fair?!

27 October 2006

DBH: 27 October 2006

Yes, I lapsed again... Oh well... Not so daily Daily Bunka Hits!!


It will be interesting to see how long this project lasts. It seems like a cool way to share music and integrate space and sound to affect the human experience.


I have never had the chance to visit this most famous of fish markets. This story, however, provides a very personal glimpse into it's inner workings. It's almost like your there. Hopefully, someday, I actually will be!

Fatigue Tests

Scary, huh?!

Be heard...

Let Wikipedia know what copyright you think they should buy. You might just get what you want.

So that is why it was so cheap...

Lik-Sang.com was a great place to get cheap stuff from Asia like video games that you can't get easily in the States. It was also fairly inexpensive for importing. Maybe this explains why...

06 October 2006

DBH: 06 October 2006


Yes; this is an old article, but it confirms my worst fears... Wait!! Maybe I'm unaware of my incompetencies...

04 October 2006

DBH: 04 October 2006

Wind vector game

This is pretty a fun and addictive Java game to play with. You can add wind vectors and watch their effect on the particles that are flying through the screen. Yes, I am a geek, but we already knew that...

Men's Fashion

Esquire presents a basic primer on the fundamentals of choosing and wearing men's dress shirts and ties. This is some important information that every man should know. Even if you're not into fashion, dress is important in many cultural arenas.

Global Warming

This article explores a great example of how much damage global warming can do. The article looks at the detrimental effects of global warming on the delicate ecosystem surrounding the process of decomposition of leaf litter on the forest floor.

02 October 2006

Tidbits and Sips

So, the reason that I haven't updated this blog over the weekend is that I have been working on creating a new blog about two of my favorite things in the world - food and drink!! This new blog is called Tidbits and Sips. Check it out!!