bunka addict

culture - pop and otherwise - through the eyes of a bunka addict

24 August 2006

DBH: 24 August 2006

Yes, I have missed a few days of posting...but here are some goodies for today!!

Digital Wallets

This article is about the use of near-field communication technology in the creation of digital wallet. I have done quite a bit of research into the use of this technology in mobile commerce. The best use of this technology I have seen is, of course, from Japan. NTTDoCoMo's host of services is simply impressive. More information regarding NTTDoCoMo's digital wallet service can be found on their website.

Raising the Floor

This article again talks about many things that I am studying or have studied as part of my current degree program. It shows how some of this theory can be put real world use. Specifically, this article discusses the future of the factory in light of today's process redesign technologies and techniques.

Japanese Umbrella Incident

A crime that would only happen in Japan...

Japanese Supersonic Jet

Could Japan overthrow American and European aviation domination?!

iPods at War

This is an article about the use of commercial entertainment technology by the armed forces. Do you think other countries could get the wrong idea about US ideals and objectives? I think so...

21 August 2006

DBH: 21 August 2006

Japanese Growth

Some good news for the future of Japan's population!!


Are you a college student who has to work on his paper at whatever computer you can get your hands on - your own computer, your friend's computer, the library computers, the computer lab computers, etc.? Do you have some word processing documents that you want to work on at work but don't want to bother carrying a jump drive or don't want any record of the document on your work computer? This web-based word processor could be the answer for you!! Writely is currently being offered in a beta version by Google. Besides its word processing capabilities and its online storage of documents, Writely allows for collaboration. Why not sign-up and try it today?!

Typical Japanese Comercials

This link brings you to a set of commercials for a Nintendo DS "game" - Shaberu! DS Oryouri Nabi - that has arrived at my home recently. This is not really a game but rather a glorified illustrated Japanese cookbook thing. It is awesome!! If you know Japanese and would like to cook some traditionally Japanese recipes - you should get grab your own copy at lik-sang.com. Even if you don't know Japanese, this is so good that you should get it and learn as you go!! :) Anyway, these commercials are so Japanese that you should check them out even if you aren't interested in the "game".

20 August 2006

DBH: 20 August 2006

For the sake of having something to post on a daily - or an almost daily - basis, even when I don't have something important or interesting to write about extensively, I am going to start posting links to some of the pages that I have looked at and found interesting throughout the day. In line with the culture addiction theme of this blog, I'm going to call these posts "Daily Bunka Hits" (DBH). I hope that these posts will give you something interesting to look at and will give you some insight into the things that shape my world.

Sustainability Institute

The Sustainability Institute is really cool. The SI studies unsustainable behaviors in hopes of trying to find the reasons behind it and thus ways to combat it. The SI tries to create sustainable solutions by applying systems-based thinking to critical issues facing human survival. Check out some of the projects they are working on or have worked on.

Abandon Futuristic Taiwanese Resort

This futuristic, space-age-like seaside resort was built on the Taiwanese coast. It has since been abandoned. I have a great obsession with architecture of all kinds and really love modern and futuristic design. I especially enjoy seeing cool abandoned structures. I find these structures fascinating and can only wonder what they would have looked like when they were new. No matter what they looked like when they were new, they would be a pretty cool thing to see in real life in the state they are in now. You can see more great haunting pictures of these structures in this Flickr photoset.

Tibetan Mesh Network

Three of some of my favorite things come together – Tibet, technology and community involvement. This is a really promising project that can bring much needed empowerment to the Tibetan people. For more information you can also check out these links: NPR - Hacking the Himalayas and xeni.net/trek.

Promoting Safe Sex

Last but not least, this article talks about efforts to de-stigmatize condoms throughout the world. A great cause to get behind!!

16 August 2006

American Food Industry Evilness

We come across something else that I love, perhaps a little too much - food!! I would say that my love of food, like my love of video games, also borders on addiction. Again, like with video games, I would have to place myself in the category of food fanatic. (Because I love food so much, I think that I might start a food related blog in the near future. If I do, I'll make sure to post the link to it here.) My love of food of all kinds sortof excludes me from the vegetarian and vegan ranks. I don't, however, consume meat all the time, at every single meal, as if it will suddenly be gone tomorrow. For the most part, I have red meat only occasionally as the meat portion of my diet consists mostly of chicken.

Anyway, that is enough about my eating habits for now. What I really wanted to post is a link to The Meatrix 2: Revolting. In this short animated film based on The Matrix, some of the horrors prevalent in American big business dairy factories are exposed. This film is a sequel to The Meatrix, which exposes the evils of factory farming. Both of these videos are great introductions to the evil that is the American food industry. Both pages also provide many links to get started in the fight against big business food. If you are interested in learning more, you should check it out.

Having only been out of college for a couple of years, my budget doesn't always allow me to make the best choices when trying to send a message with my money. The need to eat has taken precedence over my moral judgment. Watching The Meatrix 2 today has reawakened me to the issues at hand and has made me want to take action. Starting today, I'm going to start making smarter, more informed choices. I hope that these videos can do the same for you.

12 August 2006


Since the age of 8, when I got my first gaming console - Sega Genesis, video games have been an integral part of my life. Some would say that I’m a video game addict, but I tend to disagree. The simple fact that I can hold a steady job, own a home and go to class on occasion means that I am definitely not spending enough time playing video games to be considered an addict. I like to think of myself as a video game fanatic; video games absorb only chunks of my life at a time, not the entire thing. As a self proclaimed video game fanatic, however, you should expect that this will not be the only post that I make regarding video games.

I think that, for me, video games offer a form of escapism. Like reading, video games provide me with an outlet to play out a fantasy that I otherwise would not be able to experience. No where in the video game industry is this truer than in the RPG genre, my favorite. I enjoy many of the usual RPG culprits including Final Fantasy, MegaTen, Xenosaga, Shining Force, .hack and Suikoden. While other video game genres offer an escape from the ordinary, RPGs offer the most pronounce departure. For the most part, RPGs contain many of the elements that exist in my favorite literary genres – fantasy and science fiction. While I really enjoy reading a good book, video games provide with a heightened sense of escapism that I can’t find in books or even movies for that matter.

For me, it is all about the interactivity of the video game medium. Like video games, movies and books present me with new worlds and worldviews to explore. Unlike video games, movies and books don’t allow me to explore these new worlds in a free flowing manner. RPGs allow you to explore the culture of the video game’s world; this almost participatory observation appeals to the anthropologist inside me. A good RPG can provide you with an incredible story while making you feel as if you are the one that has uncovered it. To me, this is something that neither books nor movies can do. I think that it is this level of engagement that is inherent in all video games that makes them such great tools of escapism. Ultimately, video games are my choice when I want to escape my life for an hour or fifty.

09 August 2006

Blog Fever

The name of my blog really says it all...Bunka Addict! Bunka is the Japanese word for culture. I have an unhealthy obsession, some would say an addiction, with all things cultural. A passion that consumes many of my waking hours, learning about and trying to understand other cultures has always been a part of my life. My upbringing and education has instilled in me a strong belief in cultural exchange and it's power to fight hatred.

This is my first blog and it will most definitely be a work in progress. Blogging is a pop culture phenonmenon that has garnered worldwide appeal. Being the culture addict that I am, I have to get in on the action regardless of how late I am getting on the bandwagon. It is my hope that this blog can become a vehicle for me to share my views on many aspects of culture and the crazy things that people do (myself included) in the pursuit of life. I also hope that i can make some good friends along the way...